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3418 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEmpC 20 Henry v South Waikato Achievement Trust [PDF, 385 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 20 Henry v South Waikato Achievement Trust (Judgment of Judge K G Smith, 22 February 2023) SUSPENSION – DISMISSAL – REMEDIES – decision to suspend not justified – employee not informed of real reason for suspension – decision to dismiss not justified – dismissal investigation flawed – compensation for lost wages – compensation for humiliation and injury to feelings – special damages awarded for legal fees incurred during dispute.

  2. [2023] NZEmpC 11 New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Assoc IUOW Inc v Airways Corp of New Zealand Ltd [PDF, 282 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 11 New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Assoc IUOW Inc v Airways Corp of New Zealand Ltd (Judgment of Judge K G Smith, 10 February 2023) HOLIDAYS - INTERPRETATION OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT - parties had mechanism for determining annual holidays in collective agreement - s 19 of Holidays Act 2003 could not apply - employer could not require employees to take annual leave without agreement.