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3418 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZEmpC 84 BEO v Vice-Chancellor of the University of Auckland [PDF, 229 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 84 BEO v Vice-Chancellor of the University of Auckland (Judgment of Judge J C Holden, 16 June 2020) APPLICATION TO SET ASIDE APPEARANCE UNDER PROTEST TO JURISDICTION – whether Authority’s preliminary determination could be challenged – Authority did not make a substantive finding but rather demonstrated a step in its reasoning – Court does not have jurisdiction to hear a challenge - APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL LEAVE TO REMOVE PROCEEDINGS TO COURT – Authority is well placed to conduct the investigation – no important issues of law arise – nature and urgency do not make removal in the public interest – application fails.

  2. [2020] NZEmpC 73 Waste Management NZ Ltd v Jones [PDF, 361 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 73 Waste Management NZ Ltd v Jones (Judgment of Judge K G Smith, 29 May 2020) PERSONAL GRIEVANCE – CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL – company did not engage in a course of conduct with the purpose of causing resignation – investigation was appropriate – company did not breach any duties to cause a loss of trust and confidence – no breach of good faith for failure to provide information – no disparity of treatment – employee was not constructively dismissed.

  3. [2020] NZEmpC 74 New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’ Association Inc v Secretary for Education [PDF, 237 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 74 New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’ Association Inc v Secretary for Education (Interlocutory Judgment of the full Court, 27 May 2020) OBJECTION TO CLOSING SUBMISSIONS – whether plaintiffs unfairly raised new legal framework to reverse burden of proof – closing submissions were consistent with pleadings and opening submissions – further evidence allowed in the interests of justice.

  4. [2020] NZEmpC 66 A Labour Inspector v Fernando [PDF, 235 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 66 A Labour Inspector v Fernando (Judgment of Judge K G Smith, 22 May 2020) PENALTIES – INTEREST – directors were directly or indirectly concerned in company’s breaches – company was liquidated – whether directors owed interest on wage and holiday pay arrears – cause of action was complete when the company defaulted in wages and holiday pay, prior to company’s liquidation – directors are liable for interest payments accruing from that date.

  5. [2020] NZEmpC 64 Max Pennington Motors Ltd v A Labour Inspector [PDF, 253 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 64 Max Pennington Motors Ltd v A Labour Inspector, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (Judgment of Judge M E Perkins, 15 May 2020) HOLIDAY PAY – whether commission should be included in public holiday pay – whether average daily pay should be used instead of relevant daily pay – average daily pay would result in a windfall for salespersons – relevant daily pay possible and practicable to calculate – company was permitted to use relevant daily pay.

  6. [2020] NZEmpC 63 Southern Taxis Ltd v A Labour Inspector [PDF, 518 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 63 Southern Taxis Ltd v A Labour Inspector (Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 14 May 2020) NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT – SECTION 6 – taxi drivers were stated to be independent contractors – no written employment agreements – no common intention – some degree of control – drivers were not in business on their own account – evidence of industry practice was vague – taxi drivers were employees – MINIMUM STANDARDS OF EMPLOYMENT – employees were not paid minimum wage, holiday pay or rest breaks – company is unable to pay sums owing – directors could not be personally liable under s 234 or s 142W because they did not realise drivers were employees.

  7. [2020] NZEmpC 62 Gibson-Smith v Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment [PDF, 388 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 62 Gibson-Smith v Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 11 May 2020) UNJUSTIFIED DISADVANTAGE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT – employee had special arrangement not to work on line related to providing assistance with tenancy bonds – whether Ministry could change arrangement – arrangement became part of employment agreement – no evidence of agreement being altered – Ministry’s procedure was flawed – employee was unjustifiably disadvantaged - $2,000 awarded for compensation.

  8. [2020] NZEmpC 60 Noble v Ballooning Ltd [PDF, 298 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 60 Noble v Ballooning Ltd (Interlocutory Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 7 May 2020) APPLICATION FOR DECLARATION OF WITHDRAWAL – client will not respond to counsel communications – client unable to be reached – application for substituted service – counsel did not attempt all options to reach client – application for joinder of third parties for costs – whether counsel should be liable for costs – failure to record client’s address was imprudent but not a very serious breach of rules of procedure – joinder not warranted.

  9. [2020] NZEmpC 61 Leota v Parcel Express Ltd [PDF, 465 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 61 Leota v Parcel Express Ltd (Judgment of Chief Judge C Inglis, 7 May 2020) NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT – SECTION 6 – real nature of the relationship between a courier driver and a courier company – worker spoke English as a second language – high degree of control – industry practice relevant but not determinative – no ability for worker to grow his own business – worker owned a van but using company finances and specifications – factors point toward a relationship of employment.