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3418 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEmpC 8 Commissioner of Police v New Zealand Police Assoc Inc [PDF, 464 KB]

    [2021] NZEmpC 8 Commissioner of Police v New Zealand Police Assoc Inc (Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 11 February 2021) COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT – INTERPRETATION – whether employees entitled to motor vehicle reimbursement – reimbursement clause applies to all instances of rotation – entitlement applies when appointment to temporary role whether initiated by employee or employer – entitlement also applies for employee assigned to multiple places of work.

  2. [2020] NZEmpC 237 Gate Gourmet NZ Ltd and ors v Sandhu and Ors [PDF, 324 KB]

    [2020] NZEmpC 237 Gate Gourmet NZ Ltd and ors v Sandhu and Ors (Judgment of the Full Court, 21 December 2020) MINIMUM WAGE - employer shut down business during lockdown - employer was essential service - whether employees entitled to minimum wage during business closedown when not working - entitlement to minimum wage comes from Minimum Wage Act 1983, s 6, which requires work - s 7(2) does not apply unless work is performed under s 6 - DISSENT - Minimum Wage Act 1983, s 6 applies where there is an agreement to perform work - s 7(2) prevents deductions because of time lost unless because of employee illness, injury, or default - business closedown amounts to time lost - closedown was not a result of illness, injury, or default - employees were entitled to minimum wage during closedown.