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3418 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEmpC 217 Humphreys v Humphreys and Chief Executive of the Ministry of Health [PDF, 368 KB]

    [2021] NZEmpC 217 Humphreys v Humphreys and Chief Executive of the Ministry of Health (Judgment of Chief Judge Christina Inglis, 8 December 2021) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 6 DECLARATION - DISABILITY CARE - severely mentally disabled adult could not have employed the applicant in spite of Gazette notice - applicant was engaged by the Minister of Health - caring for severely mentally disabled adult was a responsibility of the Minister of Health under international obligations - applicant's work was undertaken in a dwellinghouse - applicant was a homeworker and therefore an employee of the Minister of Health - employee entitled to be paid for all hours work as assessed under Idea Services Ltd v Dickson test.

  2. [2021] NZEmpC 201 Cronin-Lampe v Board of Trustees of Melville High School [PDF, 269 KB]

    [2021] NZEmpC 201 Cronin-Lampe v Board of Trustees of Melville High School (Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 18 November 2021) JURISDICTION – ACCIDENT COMPENSATION – whether personal grievances can be brought after failed application to ACC – other claims can be brought if ACC cover is declined and that decision is accepted by applicant – Employment Court has jurisdiction to consider personal grievances.