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3418 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZEmpC 80 A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment v Samra Holdings Ltd T/A Te Puna Liquor Centre [PDF, 226 KB]

    [2022] NZEmpC 80 A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment v Samra Holdings Ltd T/A Te Puna Liquor Centre (Interlocutory Judgment (No 4) of Judge Kathryn Beck, 16 May 2022) APPLICATION FOR ACCESS TO COURT DOCUMENTS – NZ Police – Liquor Licensing - breaches of employment standards are relevant to assessment of liquor license suitability - access to documents granted.

  2. [2022] NZEmpC 78 Vulcan Steel Ltd v Manufacturing & Construction Workers Union [PDF, 409 KB]

    [2022] NZEmpC 78 Vulcan Steel Ltd v Manufacturing & Construction Workers Union (Judgment of the Full Court, 11 May 2022) INTERPRETATION OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT - IMPLICATION OF TERM - DRUG TESTING - whether term should be implied to allow employer to select method of drug testing - parties cannot be understood to have agreed on the correct approach - term sought is not so obvious it goes without saying - implication of term is not appropriate.

  3. [2022] NZEmpC 75 Tranzurban Hutt Valley Ltd v New Zealand Tramways and Public Passenger Transport Employees Union Wellington Inc [PDF, 314 KB]

    [2022] NZEmpC 75 Tranzurban Hutt Valley Ltd v New Zealand Tramways and Public Passenger Transport Employees Union Wellington Inc (Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 9 May 2022) REST AND MEAL BREAKS – Employment Relations Act 2000, pt 6D – work period – split shifts – work period is question of fact – whether distinct shifts worked are separate work periods is to be calculated by reference to actual hours an employee is required to perform work duties which include authorised rest and meal breaks in that period and in light of what has been expressly agreed by parties – bus drivers.