Oldco PTI Ltd v Houston - consent judgment of Judge B S Travis.
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[2012] NZEmpC 18 Oldco PTI Ltd v Houston [PDF, 40 KB] -
[2012] NZEmpC 15 Coventry v Singh [PDF, 138 KB] Coventry v Singh
[2012] NZEmpC 17 Transpacific Industries Group (NZ) Ltd v Harris & Others [PDF, 90 KB] Transpacific Industries Group (NZ) Ltd v Harris & Others
[2012] NZEmpC 16 Moxey v Westminster Pacific (NZ) Ltd [PDF, 64 KB] Moxey v Westminster Pacific (NZ) Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 14 Kim v Thermosash Commercial Ltd [PDF, 46 KB] Kim v Thermosash Commercial Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 13 Maritime Union of NZ v C3 Ltd [PDF, 70 KB] Maritime Union of NZ v C3 Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 12 Lawrence & Frankish v Ex Ced Foods (in Liquidation) [PDF, 42 KB] Lawrence & Frankish v Ex Ced Foods (in Liquidation)
[2012] NZEmpC 10 Brunton v Garden City Helicopters Ltd [PDF, 77 KB] Brunton v Garden City Helicopters Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 9 Lawrence & Frankish v Lock & Sheahan [PDF, 59 KB] Lawrence & Frankish v Lock & Sheahan
[2012] NZEmpC 7 Transpacific All Brite Ltd v Sanko & Combs [PDF, 103 KB] Transpacific All Brite Ltd v Sanko & Combs
[2012] NZEmpC 6 De Bruin v Canterbury District Health Board [PDF, 49 KB] De Bruin v Canterbury District Health Board
[2012] NZEmpC 8 Gazeley v Oceania Group (NZ) Ltd [PDF, 126 KB] Gazeley v Oceania Group (NZ) Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 3 M Limited (in Liquidation) v J [PDF, 44 KB] M Limited (in Liquidation) v J
[2012] NZEmpC 4 Haig v Edgewater Developers Ltd and Others [PDF, 127 KB] Haig v Edgewater Developers Ltd and Others
[2012] NZEmpC 5 Bishop & Bishop v Bennett [PDF, 90 KB] Bishop & Bishop v Bennett
[2012] NZEmpC 2 Bourne and Ors v New Zealand Merchant Service Guild Industrial Union of workers Inc [PDF, 51 KB] Bourne and Ors v New Zealand Merchant Service Guild Industrial Union of workers Inc
[2012] NZEmpC 1 Auckland Council v McFadgen [PDF, 40 KB] Auckland Council v McFadgen
[2011] NZEmpC 175 Maynard v Bay of Plenty DHB [PDF, 105 KB] Maynard v Bay of Plenty DHB - judgment of Judge B S Travis.
[2011] NZEmpC 172 [PDF, 118 KB] Grant v Vice-Chancellor of University of Otago Parties agreed to Authority issuing recommendation under s 173A. Recommendation would become determination if parties did not object after 10 days. Plaintiff's counsel sought extension of time and defendant and Authority agreed. Plaintiff was not personally consulted. Defendant objected to the recommendation which was favourable to the plaintiff. Plaintiff argued that objection was too late as variation of deadline was not valid. Authority concluded variation valid. Court held it was not barred by ss 179 or 188 from deciding merits as issue was not procedural but substantive question concerning whether Authority had power to extend time. Effects of s 173A discussed. No requirement that variation be consented to personally. Variation, agreed by the parties, accepted by the Authority, and recorded properly can be made at any time up until the expiry of the period set by the Member for objection. No requirement that Authority had to redo the …
[2011] NZEmpC 173 NZ Fire Service Commission v NZ Professional Firefighters Union [PDF, 59 KB] NZ Fire Service Commission v NZ Professional Firefighters Union - costs judgment of Judge B S Travis.
[2011] NZEmpC 170 X v Secretary for Justice [PDF, 52 KB] X v Secretary for Justice - interlocutory judgment of Judge B S Travis.
[2011] NZEmpC 168 The Postal Workers Union of Aotearoa v NZ Post Ltd [PDF, 115 KB] The Postal Workers Union of Aotearoa v NZ Post Ltd - judgment of Judge C Inglis.
[2011] NZEmpC 166 Hepburn v Huhtamaki Henderson Limited [PDF, 75 KB] Hepburn v Huhtamaki Henderson Limited
[2011] NZEmpC 165 O’Connor v Ports of Auckland Ltd [PDF, 102 KB] O’Connor v Ports of Auckland Ltd
[2011] NZEmpC 164 Taylor v Milburn Lime Limited [PDF, 102 KB] Taylor v Milburn Lime Limited