CentrePort Wellington Limited v Maritime Union of NZ & Anor
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[2012] NZEmpC 43 CentrePort Wellington Limited v Maritime Union of NZ & Anor [PDF, 75 KB] -
[2012] NZEmpC 42 C3 Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc [PDF, 51 KB] C3 Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc - reasons for oral interlocutory judgment of Judge B S Travis.
[2012] NZEmpC 41 Port of Tauranga Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc & Anor [PDF, 69 KB] Port of Tauranga Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc & Anor
[2012] NZEmpC 40 Kaipara v Carter Holt Harvey Limited [PDF, 170 KB] Kaipara v Carter Holt Harvey Limited
[2012] NZEmpC 75 Fuqiang Yu v Xin Li and Symbol Spreading Ltd [PDF, 48 KB] Fuqiang Yu v Xin Li and Symbol Spreading Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 39 Imperial Tobacco New Zealand Limited v Pereira [PDF, 113 KB] Imperial Tobacco New Zealand Limited v Pereira
[2012] NZEmpC 38 Munro v Hibiscus Coast Security [PDF, 112 KB] Munro v Hibiscus Coast Security
[2012] NZEmpC 37 Anto v Planet Spice Ltd [PDF, 68 KB] Anto v Planet Spice Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 35 NZ School of Education Ltd v Nafissi [PDF, 115 KB] NZ School of Education Ltd v Nafissi
[2012] NZEmpC 36 Board v ADECCO Personnel Ltd [PDF, 8 KB] Board v ADECCO Personnel Ltd
[2012] NZSC 8 CA124/2011 Service and Food Workers Union & Ors v OCS Limited [PDF, 10 KB] JUDGMENT OF THE COURT, 28 February 2012. Leave to appeal is granted. The approved questions are whether, and if so to what extent, the multi-employer collective employment agreement precludes the second appellants from bargaining for redundancy entitlements under s 69N of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
[2012] NZEmpC 33 Cruickshank v CE of Unitec Institute of Technology [PDF, 57 KB] Cruickshank v CE of Unitec - oral judgment of Chief Judge G L Colgan.
[2012] NZEmpC 32 2012 French v ACC [PDF, 44 KB] French v ACC
[2012] NZEmpC 30 Kim v Thermosash Commercial Ltd [PDF, 88 KB] Kim v Thermosash Commercial Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 31 RHB Chartered Accountants Limited and Brown and Wilkins v Rawcliffe [PDF, 184 KB] RHB Chartered Accountants Limited and Brown and Wilkins v Rawcliffe
[2012] NZEmpC 29 Tourism Holdings Limited (trading as CI Munro) v Charlesworth [PDF, 138 KB] Tourism Holdings Limited (trading as CI Munro) v Charlesworth
[2012] NZEmpC 34 Coventry v Singh [PDF, 76 KB] Coventry v Singh
[2012] NZEmpC 27 Taylor v Milburn Lime Ltd [PDF, 76 KB] Taylor v Milburn Lime Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 28 Chen v Banclogix Ltd [PDF, 60 KB] Chen v Banclogix Ltd
[2012] NZCA 25 CA562/2011 Service Food Workers Union v Cerebos Greggs Ltd [PDF, 166 KB] JUDGMENT OF THE COURT, 21 February 2012. Appeal allowed. Employment Court decision quashed and Employment Relations Authority determination reinstated. Employment Court erred in finding that the extra week's leave, for longstanding employees under the union's collective agreement, ceased to be an enhanced additional entitlement on April 1 2007 and became part of the four weeks annual holidays provided by the Holidays Act 2003. Court of Appeal held that despite the changes to the Holidays Act 2003, all union employees at the site with six years continuous service were still entitled to an additional one week of annual holidays.
[2012] NZEmpC 26 Premier Events Group Ltd v Beattie [PDF, 142 KB] Premier Events Group Ltd v Beattie
[2012] NZEmpC 25 Air New Zealand Ltd v Milne [PDF, 117 KB] Air New Zealand Ltd v Milne
[2012] NZEmpC 23 Smith v Caprima Cuisine Ltd t/a Grillers Resturant [PDF, 10 KB] Smith v Caprima Cuisine Ltd t/a Grillers Resturant - consent judgment of Judge B S Travis.
[2012] NZEmpC 20 White & Others v Reserve Bank of New Zealand [PDF, 148 KB] White & Others v Reserve Bank of New Zealand
[2012] NZEmpC 24 Butterworth v TBA Communications Ltd [PDF, 148 KB] Butterworth v TBA Communications Ltd