Eastern Bay Independent Industrial Workers Union v Norske Skog Tasman Ltd - judgment of Judge C Inglis.
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[2012] NZEmpC 56 EBIIWU v Norske Skog Tasman Ltd [PDF, 204 KB] -
[2012] NZEmpC 55 Maritime Union of NZ Inc v Ports of Auckland [PDF, 92 KB] Maritime Union of NZ Inc v Ports of Auckland
[2012] NZEmpC 54 Maritime Union of NZ Inc v Ports of Auckland [PDF, 109 KB] Maritime Union of NZ Inc v Ports of Auckland
[2012] NZEmpC 53 New Zealand Educational Institute (Inc) v The Boards of Trustees of Te Mata, Parkvale and Frimley Schools [PDF, 183 KB] New Zealand Educational Institute (Inc) v The Boards of Trustees of Te Mata, Parkvale and Frimley Schools - judgment of Judge C Inglis.
[2012] NZEmpC 52 Maritime Union of NZ Inc v Ports of Auckland [PDF, 46 KB] Maritime Union of NZ Inc v Ports of Auckland
[2012] NZEmpC 51 New Zealand Cards Ltd v Ramsay [PDF, 130 KB] New Zealand Cards Ltd v Ramsay
[2012] NZEmpC 50 Premier Events Group Ltd and Ors v Beattie and Ors [PDF, 62 KB] Premier Events Group Ltd and Ors v Beattie and Ors
[2012] NZEmpC 49 Miller v Fonterra Co-Operative Group [PDF, 175 KB] Miller v Fonterra Co-Operative Group
[2012] NZEmpC 48 Carter Holt Harvey Limited v McAuley [PDF, 134 KB] Carter Holt Harvey Limited v McAuley
[2012] NZEmpC 47 TLNZ Auckland Ltd and C3 Ltd v Maritime Union of NZ and Parsloe & Ors and Jennings & 21 ors [PDF, 202 KB] TLNZ Auckland Ltd and C3 Ltd v Maritime Union of NZ and Parsloe & Ors and Jennings & 21 ors
[2012] NZEmpC 46 Progressive Meats Limited v Pohio & Anor [PDF, 45 KB] Progressive Meats Limited v Pohio & Anor
[2012] NZCA 78 CA769/2011 AMCOR Packaging NZ Ltd v New Zealand Amalgamated Engineering Printing Manufacturing Union Inc [PDF, 13 KB] JUDGMENT OF THE COURT, 8 March 2012. Leave to appeal is granted on the following question: Was the decision of the Employment Court on the meaning of clause 10 of the collective agreement in issue wrong because it applied unorthodox principles of interpretation?
[2012] NZEmpC 45 TLNZ Auckland Ltd and C3 Ltd v Maritime Union of NZ, Parsloe and ors [PDF, 39 KB] TLNZ Auckland Ltd and C3 Ltd v Maritime Union of NZ, Parsloe and ors
[2012] NZEmpC 44 Lyttelton Port Co Ltd v Maritime Union of NZ [PDF, 74 KB] Lyttelton Port Co Ltd v Maritime Union of NZ
[2012] NZEmpC 43 CentrePort Wellington Limited v Maritime Union of NZ & Anor [PDF, 75 KB] CentrePort Wellington Limited v Maritime Union of NZ & Anor
[2012] NZEmpC 42 C3 Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc [PDF, 51 KB] C3 Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc - reasons for oral interlocutory judgment of Judge B S Travis.
[2012] NZEmpC 41 Port of Tauranga Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc & Anor [PDF, 69 KB] Port of Tauranga Ltd v Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc & Anor
[2012] NZEmpC 40 Kaipara v Carter Holt Harvey Limited [PDF, 170 KB] Kaipara v Carter Holt Harvey Limited
[2012] NZEmpC 75 Fuqiang Yu v Xin Li and Symbol Spreading Ltd [PDF, 48 KB] Fuqiang Yu v Xin Li and Symbol Spreading Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 39 Imperial Tobacco New Zealand Limited v Pereira [PDF, 113 KB] Imperial Tobacco New Zealand Limited v Pereira
[2012] NZEmpC 38 Munro v Hibiscus Coast Security [PDF, 112 KB] Munro v Hibiscus Coast Security
[2012] NZEmpC 37 Anto v Planet Spice Ltd [PDF, 68 KB] Anto v Planet Spice Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 35 NZ School of Education Ltd v Nafissi [PDF, 115 KB] NZ School of Education Ltd v Nafissi
[2012] NZEmpC 36 Board v ADECCO Personnel Ltd [PDF, 8 KB] Board v ADECCO Personnel Ltd
[2012] NZSC 8 CA124/2011 Service and Food Workers Union & Ors v OCS Limited [PDF, 10 KB] JUDGMENT OF THE COURT, 28 February 2012. Leave to appeal is granted. The approved questions are whether, and if so to what extent, the multi-employer collective employment agreement precludes the second appellants from bargaining for redundancy entitlements under s 69N of the Employment Relations Act 2000.