Horton Media Ltd v Tither
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[2012] NZEmpC 116 Horton Media Ltd v Tither [PDF, 45 KB] -
[2012] NZEmpC 115 Dr X v a District Health Board [PDF, 44 KB] Dr X v a District Health Board - interlocutory judgment no 1 of Judge C Inglis.
[2012] NZEmpC 114 Salvation Army v Stewart & Johnstone [PDF, 106 KB] Salvation Army v Stewart & Johnstone
[2012] NZEmpC 113 Butterworth v TBA Communications Ltd [PDF, 54 KB] Butterworth v TBA Communications Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 112 Idea Services Ltd v Barker [PDF, 143 KB] Idea Services Ltd v Barker
[2012] NZEmpC 111 Edwards v Two Degrees Mobile Ltd and anor [PDF, 90 KB] Edwards v Two Degrees Mobile Ltd and anor
[2012] NZEmpC 110 de Bruin v Canterbury DH [PDF, 199 KB] de Bruin v Canterbury DH
[2012] NZEmpC 108 Zhou and New Times Press Ltd v Lin [PDF, 69 KB] Zhou and New Times Press Ltd v Lin
[2012] NZEmpC 107 Faumui v George Weston Foods (NZ) Ltd [PDF, 36 KB] Faumui v George Weston Foods (NZ) Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 105 Polzleitner & Zink v WWW Media Ltd [PDF, 44 KB] Polzleitner & Zink v WWW Media Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 106 Simon Edwards v Two Degrees Mobile Limited [PDF, 51 KB] [2012] NZEmpC 106 Simon Edwards v Two Degrees Mobile Limited - interlocutory judgment.
[2012] NZEmpC 104 Ong & Ong t/a Pharmacy 72 v Massie - Interlocutory Judgment [PDF, 51 KB] Ong & Ong t/a Pharmacy 72 v Massie - Interlocutory Judgment
[2012] NZEmpC 103 Progressive Meats Ltd v Pohio and others [PDF, 135 KB] Progressive Meats Ltd v Pohio and others
[2012] NZEmpC 102 Tinkler v Fugro PMS Pty Ltd & Pavement Management Service [PDF, 100 KB] Tinkler v Fugro PMS Pty Ltd & Pavement Management Service
[2012] NZEmpC 109 Shelby Park Ltd v Blackie [PDF, 186 KB] Shelby Park Ltd v Blackie
[2012] NZCA 285 CA247/2012 New Zealand Cards Ltd v Ramsay [PDF, 96 KB] JUDGMENT OF THE COURT, 28 June 2012. Extension of time granted to seek leave to appeal from an EC decision finding NZCL liable to R for $12,880 for unjustifiable dismissal.Question of law on whether the facts found by the Employment Court judgment amount to a constructive dismissal on the basis of the duty of good faith, s 4(1A).Application for stay of execution of the judgment adjourned for further consideration on conditions.
[2012] NZEmpC 101 Pottinger & Nine Dot consulting Ltd v Carew and Kelly Services (NZ) Ltd [PDF, 250 KB] Pottinger & Nine Dot consulting Ltd v Carew and Kelly Services (NZ) Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 100 Maritime Union of NZ v Posts of Auckland Ltd [PDF, 39 KB] Maritime Union of NZ v Posts of Auckland Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 98 Kelleher v Wiri Pacific Ltd [PDF, 72 KB] Kelleher v Wiri Pacific Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 99 Maori Hill and Balmacewen Pharmacy Ltd [PDF, 57 KB] Maori Hill and Balmacewen Pharmacy Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 97 Doran v Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd [PDF, 224 KB] Doran v Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 96 South Pacific Meats Ltd v Mohammed [PDF, 238 KB] South Pacific Meats Ltd v Mohammed
[2012] NZCA 254 CA150/2012 White v Reserve Bank [PDF, 36 KB] Leave to appeal is granted, 15 June 2012. Did the Employment Court fail to apply orthodox interpretation principles by failing to take into account the words “unless otherwise agreed in writing” in the applicants’ employment contracts and by failing to consider what was implicit in those words against the background of past dealings and the obligations of good faith that arise in the context of an employment contract? If yes, was the respondent required periodically to review the percentage of the total remuneration package that was deemed to be superable salary and to adjust the percentage having regard to the material revealed by the review?
[2012] NZEmpC 94 Gini v Literacy Training Ltd [PDF, 93 KB] Gini v Literacy Training Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 90 Walker v Procare Health Ltd [PDF, 313 KB] Walker v Procare Health Ltd