Hayllar v The Goodtime Food Co Ltd
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[2012] NZEmpC 153 Hayllar v The Goodtime Food Co Ltd [PDF, 265 KB] -
[2012] NZEmpC 152 Kumar v Jai Mata Di Foods Ltd [PDF, 49 KB] Kumar v Jai Mata Di Foods Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 151 Transpacific v Harris & Ors [PDF, 55 KB] Transpacific v Harris & Ors
[2012] NZEmpC 149 Edwards v 2 Degrees Mobile Ltd [PDF, 79 KB] Edwards v 2 Degrees Mobile Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 150 Kumar v Jai Mata Di Foods Ltd [PDF, 42 KB] Kumar v Jai Mata Di Foods Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 148 Zhou & New Times Press Ltd v Lin [PDF, 51 KB] Zhou & New Times Press Ltd v Lin
[2012] NZEmpC 147 Alim v LSG Sky Chefs Ltd [PDF, 69 KB] Alim v LSG Sky Chefs Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 146 Duffy v Ngatahi horticultural P/Ship [PDF, 101 KB] Duffy v Ngatahi horticultural P/Ship
[2012] NZEmpC 145 Hamon v Coromandel Independent Living Trust [PDF, 46 KB] Hamon v Coromandel Independent Living Trust - interlocutory judgment no 2 of Judge B S Travis.
[2012] NZEmpC 144 Mercer-Black v Zaibatsu 2006 Ltd [PDF, 10 KB] Mercer-Black v Zaibatsu 2006 Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 143 George v Auckland Council [PDF, 131 KB] George v Auckland Council
[2012] NZEmpC 142 Horton Media Ltd [PDF, 212 KB] Horton Media Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 142 Horton Media Ltd [PDF, 85 KB] Horton Media Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 140 French v Accident Compensation Corporation [PDF, 133 KB] French v Accident Compensation Corporation - costs judgment of Judge C Inglis.
[2012] NZEmpC 141 Transpacific v Harris and Green [PDF, 58 KB] Transpacific v Harris and Green
[2012] NZCA 365 CA358/2012 The Secretary for Education v New Zealand Educational Institute [PDF, 35 KB] JUDGMENT OF THE COURT, 14 August 2012. Leave to appeal is granted. Is the Secretary for Education properly named as the sole respondent when the Employment Relations Authority investigates claims of the NZEI for declaratory and compliance orders for alleged breaches by the Secretary of the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement?
[2012] NZEmpC 138 Yee t/a Turangi Cabins & Holiday Park v Wallace [PDF, 53 KB] Yee t/a Turangi Cabins & Holiday Park v Wallace - supplementary judgment of Judge A D Ford.
[2012] NZEmpC 139 Matamata Industrial Machinery Imports Ltd v McAllister [PDF, 59 KB] Matamata Industrial Machinery Imports Ltd v McAllister
[2012] NZEmpC 137 Glenmavis Farm Partnership (2007) v Todd [PDF, 163 KB] Glenmavis Farm Partnership (2007) v Todd
[2012] NZSC 69 SC124/2011 Service Food Workers Union v The persons listed in Schedule A & OCS Limited [PDF, 137 KB] JUDGMENT OF THE COURT, 9 August 2012. Appeal allowed. Upheld the CA's point that the employees could not bargain for redundancy compensation under s 69N because their collective agreement expressly excluded "redundancy payments". On the second issue of the effect of the employment agreement in this case, the SC reversed the CA’s finding that the exclusion of redundancy payments excluded the right to bargain for any other form of redundancy entitlement (reinstating the EC). The expression "redundancy entitlements" is defined in s 69B to include redundancy compensation, demonstrating that redundancy entitlements can take forms other than payment of monetary compensation (such as a right to retraining).
[2012] NZEmpC 136 Tuapawa v AFFCO NZ Ltd [PDF, 69 KB] Tuapawa v AFFCO NZ Ltd - costs judgment of Judge A D Ford.
[2012] NZEmpC 135 Yu v Symbol Spreading Ltd [PDF, 65 KB] Yu v Symbol Spreading Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 134 Puhia v Ovation New Zealand Ltd [PDF, 8 KB] Puhia v Ovation New Zealand Ltd
[2012] NZEmpC 130 CPC (New Zealand) Ltd v Dunlop [PDF, 77 KB] CPC (New Zealand) Ltd v Dunlop
[2012] NZEmpC 131 Matamata Industrial Machinery Imports Ltd v McAllister [PDF, 107 KB] Matamata Industrial Machinery Imports Ltd v McAllister