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3418 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEmpC 173 Pact Group v Robinson [PDF, 334 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 173 Pact Group v Robinson (Judgment of Chief Judge Christina Inglis, 5 October 2023) UNJUSTIFIABLE DISMISSAL – serious misconduct – GPS records relied upon in disciplinary process – employer failed to consider and engage with employee’s cultural concerns – higher standard for well-resourced employer – unfair disciplinary process and failings were not minor – not fair and reasonable to reach that conclusion – procedurally and substantively unjustified – lost wages and compensation for hurt and humiliation and lost benefit awarded.

  2. [2023] NZEmpC 168 AJY v Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections [PDF, 545 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 168 AJY v Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections (Judgment of Judge Kathryn Beck, 3 October 2023) DISADVANTAGE – BULLYING – employee made bullying complaint – employer breached bullying policy by not responding appropriately – employee disadvantaged – DISADVANTAGE – CONSULTATION – employer moved employee to new position without consultation – failure to consult breached legislation and collective agreement – failure to consult employee disadvantaged them – DISMISSAL – employer failed to investigate fairly – employer did not fairly consider medical evidence – employer did not fairly consider other options to dismissal – employee unjustifiably dismissed substantively and procedurally – REMEDIES – no reinstatement ordered – compensation and lost wages ordered – reductions made for contribution – NON-PUBLICATION – non-publication orders made – parts of judgment redacted.

  3. [2023] NZEmpC 164 F & B Remuera Ltd v A Labour Inspector [PDF, 269 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 164 F & B Remuera Ltd v A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (Interlocutory Judgment of Judge Kathryn Beck, 2 October 2023) STRIKE OUT – strike out application unsuccessful – SECURITY FOR COSTS – employer ordered to pay security for costs of $7,500 to Labour Inspector – STAY OF EXECUTION – stay of execution granted on condition of security for costs being paid – NON-PUBLICATION – application for non-publication unsuccessful.

  4. [2023] NZEmpC 162 Birthing Centre Ltd v Matsas [PDF, 445 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 162 Birthing Centre Ltd v Matsas (Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 27 September 2023) ACCESS TO INFORMATION – CONFIDENTIALITY – meaning of proposal – meaning of good reason – good reason to be considered in light of s 103A – employer failed to sufficiently consider whether to provide information to employees or unions – UNJUSTIFIED DISMISSAL – no waiver of notice period – no mutual termination of employment – employees were dismissed – employees were not consulted – dismissal was unjustified – NOTICE – employer failed to provide notice – entitlement to payment in lieu crystallised on dismissal – mitigation not required where entitlement is payable on dismissal.

  5. [2023] NZEmpC 158 Turner v Te Whatu Ora [PDF, 293 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 158 Turner v Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand (Judgment of Judge J C Holden, 21 September 2023) UNJUSTIFIABLE DISADVANTAGE – UNJUSTIFIABLE DISMISSAL – suspension justifiable to conduct investigation – employer entitled to investigate concerns and consider private Facebook posts – no discrimination for religious or political beliefs – New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 does not protect employee from disciplinary action – dismissal was justifiable.

  6. [2023] NZEmpC 157 Whakarongorau Aotearoa New Zealand Telehealth Services LP v Public Service Association, Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi [PDF, 201 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 157 Whakarongorau Aotearoa New Zealand Telehealth Services LP v Public Service Association, Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi (Reasons for Judgment of Judge Kathryn Beck, 19 September 2023) APPLICATION FOR INTERIM INJUNCTION AGAINST STRIKE – notice period in issue – strong arguable case employees are employed in an essential service – 14 days’ notice of strike action not provided under s 90(3)(a)(i) of the Employment Relations Act 2000 – public interest in maintaining essential health services – notice period is mandatory – scope of injunction is narrow – balance of convenience favours granting interim injunction – application granted.

  7. [2023] NZEmpC 153 Joyce v Ultimate Siteworks Ltd [PDF, 213 KB]

    [2023] NZEmpC 153 Joyce v Ultimate Siteworks Ltd (Interlocutory Judgment (No 2) of Judge J C Holden, 15 September 2023) APPLICATION FOR STAY – interests of justice favour granting stay – Authority’s costs determination stayed for 28 days – stay will continue on condition money is paid into Court – application granted – APPLICATION FOR PARTIAL STRIKE OUT – no need to strike out – application declined – CHALLENGE TO OBJECTION TO DISCLOSURE – parts of documents are to be disclosed to the extent they are relevant to the proceedings.