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3418 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZEmpC 167 Bradley v Ngāti Apa Ki Te Rā Tō Charitable Trust [PDF, 424 KB]

    [2019] NZEmpC 167 Bradley v Ngāti Apa Ki Te Rā Tō Charitable Trust (Judgment of Judge K G Smith, 20 November 2019) CHALLENGE – unjustified constructive dismissal – breach of good faith – investigation into allegations not premature and no improper motive – no breach of good faith – entitled to take resignation at face value – challenged dismissed – NON-PUBLICATION ORDER – Non-publication of name of manager and identifying details.

  2. [2019] NZEmpC 159 Allied Investments Ltd t/a Allied Security v Cradock [PDF, 350 KB]

    [2019] NZEmpC 159 Allied Investments Ltd t/a Allied Security v Cradock (Judgment of Judge B A Corkill, 11 November 2019) CHALLENGE – unjustified dismissal – 90-day trial period – contract provided for “immediate” termination of employment during trail period – whether immediate termination valid notice – notice of the termination means giving advance notice – dismissal unjustified – challenge dismissed – sections 67A and 67B Employment Relations Act 2000.