If you are not represented by a lawyer or advocate
Information on what to do before starting or defending proceedings where you're representing yourself
Court procedure can be complicated. You can find information on getting professional help and advice from a lawyer or employment law advocate, union or employers’ group, or as to change of representation.
Supporting diversity and inclusion
Information on how the Employment Court supports diversity and inclusion.
Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)(external link)
The New Zealand judiciary has published guidelines for the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in courts and tribunals.
You need to talk to the court registrar if you want to take notes or film, record, take photographs or use other broadcast media during a hearing.
Information on accessing court documents, and searching the Employment Court register.
Our Courthouses – practical guidance
Information on some practical matters to assist you when you come to Court: location, transport, parking, refreshment options.
Information about the courtroom protocol, how to address a judge, hearing process and presentation of evidence.
Information on the judicial Complaints process. How to complain about the conduct of Judges and how complaints are assessed
Information on Guidelines for determining issues about potential conflicts of interest, and the recusal process
What happens when the Court is closed
What happens to timing when Court is closed, and within the Christmas period?
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